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Revolutionary Bioreactor system

Anaerobic Bioreactor System

Anaerobic system is known as a cost effective yet powerful bioremediation to treat high COD effluents and long chain or complex organic molecules. 

BPC retrofitted its first Anaerobic system in 2018.Upgrading an old Anaerobic system increased the efficiency as well as capacity of the unit.

BPC has been successfully operating the system since commissioning in early 2019.

Having no prior experience with retrofitting an Anaerobic reactor , this upgrade became a milestone achievement and source of valuable operational knowledge.

The combination of Anaerobic and ACT technology has proven to be highly effective and complimentary to treat challenging effluents such as CETPs catering to  dying , textile , food and pharma industries.

90 - 99 %

Efficiency not

10 - 20 % of

Can work in high salinity levels (up to 4%, i.e. 40,000 ppm TDS)

20 %

Significant deduction in OPEX resulted through advanced automation.

0 %

Less Sludge generation when compared to conventional technologies.

0 %

Better resiliency & stable output performance against inlet shocks.

Why Choose

ACT Technology

Automated Chemostat Treatment (ACT) starts with selecting the most efficient bacteria cocktail from the process effluent on BPC’s labs, once this process specific bacteria cocktail is isolated and bacteria cocktail is prepared, the bacteria in delivered to the site as a one time starter. In the bioreactor itself the cells are maintained at a very low concentration inside the bio reactor (MLSS value of around 100-400 ppm dependence on the organic load in the system.

The bacteria concentration is distributed throughout the bio reactor and they act as single cell treatment units as no aggregates are formed; this ensures that the biological oxidation process is highly effective when compared with the concentration that has to be maintained within the bio reactor.

BPC’s ACT is a one flow system as there is no need of recalculating sludge to maintain the required bacteria population in the bio reactor, the rate of growth of the bacteria culture within the bio reactor is always maintained at a rate equal to or higher than the rate at which bacteria culture is being washed away with the out flowing effluent. The HRT for ACT is equal to the sludge retention time, as the bacteria age in the ACT bioreactor is low, the bacteria culture is maintained in its logarithmic growth phase, and this young bacteria population ensures higher bacteria activity and ensures that the process is highly efficient in consuming organic contaminations.

Complete automation and stability are two of the primary advantages of the BPC-ACT system. Each installation is monitored by a series of online sensors with real-time reaction capabilities.  Errors in the system are immediately detected by ACT and dealt with through automatic troubleshooting. Control systems notify operations personnel via SMS and email.  This ensures that BPC’s ACT is able to respond to any changes in the effluent parameters in real time.


The BPC-ACT process transforms water treatment into a more efficient, economical, and ecologically-friendly process using its patented technologies. The system can be applied to a wide range of sites.


Unmatched Stability

ACT Provides Unmatched Stability in face of upsets of organic load and contaminations in the system. This stability is due to a unique control system that automates the complete process of biological treatment (Aeration) which is available only with ACT.


Closed loop Automation

All system parameters are measured online and there is no requirement for laboratory based tests that take 2-3 days to give results. The system runs completely automatically without the need of constant human intervention, handling upsets as they happen.


Broad MLSS Spectrum

ACT is the only system in the world that can operate at a wide variety of MLSS (lowest 300ppm) and F/M ratio (varying between 2 to 20), which means ACT can manage higher inlet fluctuations (both high and low) in organic load than any other system.


Better Upset handling

Conventional systems are not able to perform for 2-3 weeks following an upset resulting in effluent which has parameters over the design limits. ACT is able to avoid most upsets and if an upset occurs, the recovery time is 2-3 days.


Better RO Downstream stability

With an RO system downstream the stability that ACT offers is very important. The RO uptime (operational) is maximized, with no need for dilution of RO make up stream due to ETP non performance during an upset and the recovery.


Better Effluent treatment

Investment in treating effluent that is above specifications is much higher at the RO (chemical precipitation and Ultra Filtration), when it is compared with the investment it takes in the ETP to ensure that effluent is treated properly.


ACT Technology



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