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Patented Act Sequential Bioreactor Process

Aerobic Bioremediation with
ACT Sequential Mode System

Getting High & Sustainable Quality treatment is the most challenging objective to achieve which is made possible by our patented process named ACT Sequential mode Bioremediation System. This process utilizes the same retention time (reactor volume) but splitting it in two sequential reactors.

The first reactor is always an ACT reactor (low biomass, robust bioremediation with young bacteria), the second reactor can be one of the conventional HIGH Biomass reactor (Activated sludge, SBR, MBR)

This patented setup takes “the best of both worlds” and provides complete process stability in an elegant way (avoiding the need for equalization and “Off spec” volumes) and also reducing chemical usage in pre and post treatment.

Why is ACT sequential mode the correct choice for any Industrial wastewater treatment plant (ETP)?

Inlet Fluctuation

Guarantee sustainable performance, this is extremely important in case of CETP that treats a large variety of industrial/municipal streams.


ACT Sequential mode applies two reactors in sequence, the ACT will absorb all the inlet shock-loads and feed the next reactor with constant load.


Such as high COD's, High TDS (up to 40,000 PPM) high Phenolic stream, Ammonia and other (in the bioreactor without using chemicals saving OPEX)


Thanks to the Auto-starter mechanism included in the technology package which ensures a quick restart of the bioreactor after a long shutdown.



Treated in the ACT and without H2O2 (in some cases, like refineries, this is a significant OPEX savings)


Capable of attaining COD degradation up to 45,000 PPM
High TDS Streams



The culture selection is done from the site streams with optimal performance to the effluent characteristics.

One central control for Pre-treatment,
Bio treatment and


Sequential Mode Simplified Illustration

Optional Configurations

All the optional ACT sequential bioremediation system  presented above provides high value to any industrial WWTP. (Improved Quality, Performance Stability, OPEX Savings and ease of use). Yet, each optional setup has unique value that will best fits a specific application 

Optimal settings for various WWT Applications:

The following are the actual results from two different refineries (a crude oil refinery with flow rate of 500 m³/hour, and a PTA refinery with flow rate of 230 m³/hour). The biological system setup, in both cases, has been upgraded to accommodate BPC Sequential Mode Bioremediation (illustration shown above)

Attention: BPC sample & Control system includes TOC analyzer (COD analyzers are less accurate) so we use a factor for each site to transform TOC to COD

First Site :

Type: PTA Refinery (High COD/TOC inlet)

Flow: 500 m³/hour

COD to TOC Ratio = 2.5

Period: Jan until Sep 2020

Average TOC/COD Degradation of 97% 

Second Site:

Type: Crude Oil Refinery (low COD/TOC)

Flow: 230 m³/hour

COD to TOC Ratio = 2.3

Period: Jan until Sep 2020

Average TOC/COD Degradation of 83% 

Note: TOC Degradation statistics were taken from BPC BI system


ACT Technology



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