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Professional O&M Services

BPC aims at a long lasting relationship with its customers.

Following a successful implementation of an ACT system or an ACT upgrade, the waste water treatment plant experiences the added value of BPC ACT technology, it is well noticed by:


Our Offerings

BPC offers a range of complimentary services. In special cases, BPC can offer its professional supervising services to WWT plants who did not acquire ACT yet, thus allowing them to benefit from BPC expertise to improve their WWT plant performance with no Capital expenditure. The illustration below demonstrate the range of services that are designed to meet the specific needs of each customer and maintain long lasting relationship . . .

Complete O&M Services

Perform the daily routine operations

Perform preventive & repair maintenance

Perform lab analysis as applicable


Provide periodical reports (Daily, weekly, monthly, History Statistics etc.)

Optional - Parts & consumable can be provided by the customer or by BPC

Waste water treatment plant 

Supervising Services

  • In cases where the customer has a good and reliable team onsite, however, they lack the expertise and often face difficulties to maintain the best performance, BPC offers “Plant Supervising Services
  • BPC supervising services to WWT plants is available for customers who adopted BPC ACT technology as well as to customers that do not have ACT technology at site.
  • In this case, BPC will place its professional supervisor’s onsite and make sure that the operational team is properly trained, provide the daily instructions for the required activities at site (routine or special maintenance), provide lab services and management reports and basically guarantee that the plant is operating at its best performance at all times.
  • The following is a case study where BPC proposed such supervising services to a few factories that were in one “Industrial park” and treated their effluent before sending it to a centralized WWT plant where the final polishing treatment took place.
  • The issue was that the centralized plant often blocked the inlet from a certain factory if it did not meet the quality standards; this caused a real problem for the factory and generates production losses.
  • With BPC supervising services to the various factories we could guarantee that their effluent will always comply with the inlet regulations dictated by the centralized WWT plant.
Waste water treatment plant 

Hotline Support

  • In cases where the customer has a good & reliable operational team, BPC offers its 24X7 hotline services and free training to new operators.
  • This service is available only to plants with ACT monitoring & control, this allows BPC experts to access the system remotely and assist the operators as required.
  • With the permission of the customer, BPC can also get the real-time alerts and guide the operational team accordingly.
  • The remote follow up enables BPC to deliver the preventive maintenance kits for all analytical devices installed in ACT monitoring & control system and guarantee that they always in an optimal operating conditions.

Supervision Services

The heart of every Pre-treatment plant (in each of the industrial factories) is a Biological treatment system.

BPC has the expertise that assists the local team reach outstanding results at lower operational cost by better utilization of their own infrastructure.

Once a factory uses BPC onsite supervising services, they gain the following benefits:

Proper maintenance definitions

Our specialists will define the maintenance required and follow up to assure that the site is maintained under its best conditions thus assuring high performance and preserving the site assets for the long term.

High quality performance is consistent

Our professional process managers will supervise the site operators daily to verify proper process management.

Operational cost savings

With accurate methods we minimize the use of chemicals thus saving chemical cost and producing much less sludge .


Our specialists will issue periodical management reports (with the agreed frequency: daily, weekly and monthly) to provide the relevant managers with a transparent view of the performance as well as the cost of operations – this will trigger ongoing improvement and continuous savings.

Use BPC onsite professional services to experience tremendous & immediate improvement of the site performance with no further new CAPEX investments.

supervision services


Site survey followed by the definition for required maintenance.

Before accepting the responsibility to supervise a factory, BPC will conduct a professional survey and submit a report detailing the things that are not in order in terms of,

Equipment not properly maintained
Process that is wrongly followed
Operators discipline/training
Ineffective Cost (that should be reduced)
supervision services


Execute the required maintenance

Based on the above survey, our supervisors will:

Handle the repair/refurbishment of the equipment as applicable
Train the operators
Apply clear procedures and reporting mechanism
Show major improvement with reduction in cost of operations
supervision services


Supervise the site operations for the long run (multiple year supervision service agreement) with guaranteed performance, this supervision is involved with:

Daily involvement of our supervisor onsite in order to:

  • Inspect the entire process.
  • Provide instructions to operators (process & equipment related instructions.
  • Take samples of effluent to BPC lab for a daily monitoring.
  • Report to a centralized database in order to feed the data that will allow the issuance of reports.
Daily lab analysis performed at BPC lab by a professional lab specialist, the accurate analysis are used by the site supervisor in order to deliver ongoing operation instructions
Issue periodical reports (with history and statistics)

  • System performance
  • Total cost of operations
  • People performance (discipline etc.)
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Get supervised control over your ETP

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