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Oil & Gas

ETP – IOCL – Crude Oil Refinery (Panipat)

Crude Oil Refinery Wastewater Purification
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Panipat - Haryana
Our Role:
ETP Operation & Maintenance


BPC has successfully completed a retrofit upgrade project for refinery waste water treatment at Panipat for their Crude Oil Refinery Effluent Treatment in ETP – 1 & 2. One of India’s largest oil refining companies was searching for a process that would improve effluent treatment at their Panipat Refinery (IOCL). They required a solution that would treat water to the RO Plant standards for reuse in a cost-effective manner. The main issues were that fluctuating and higher load was having an impact on the treated quality and RO Plant was not able to take the treated water from ETP as per the required standards and hence the RO was consuming lot of fresh water as intake. These issues were preventing both recycling of water within the refinery and increasing the cost of fresh water intake by the refinery.

In both the ETPs, the system previously had a two-stream activated sludge Process (ASP) effluent treatment system, with capacity of 4500 m3 tanks running in tandem to treat effluent with a flow of 400 m3 /hr in each ETP. The BPC-ACT solution was a straightforward and simple retrofit to one of the two ASP Reactors. One of the ASP Reactor tank was converted into the ACT technology and control system along with online analyzers was provided for both the ETPs.

BPC’s technology is a potentially groundbreaking solution for refinery wastewater purification. Not only did the BPC-ACT treated effluent exceed the ASP treated effluent virtually with respect to all standards, but the ACT implementation was a relatively simple procedure and can easily be implemented to other ASP systems. BPC-ACT also reduces the manpower needed for operation and maintenance by over 30%.

BPC’s ACT Technology

BPC’s ACT Technology is a cutting-edge biological method for wastewater treatment offers an elegant and simple solution to overcome the existing challenges of conventional biological methods. The Automated Chemostat Treatment™ (ACT) method is based on maintaining a pre-selected bacterial “cocktail” tailored for the specific wastewater type, at a stable and low concentration all while monitoring the system with a fully automated control unit. The control unit measures various parameters of the influent, including COD, Total nitrogen, Total phosphate, salinity, turbidity and pH, among others. The control unit is capable of automated nutrient dosing, and thus able to adjust the conditions in the bioreactor in order to maintain a stable output and prevent system upsets.

BPC’s Solution to the client’s need

The ETP – 1 & 2 effluent treatment plant contains, in sequence, Primary Treatment section, a pH adjustment tank, a Bio Tower, a dissolved air flotation unit (DAF), two side by side aerobic bioreactor tanks and one common clarifier, and finally a dual filtration system (ACF & PSF). The BPC solution in this project involved two main stages. First, a feasibility study and extensive analyses of wastewater samples from the client’s site were performed at BPC’s laboratory, then engineering work was undertaken to design a retrofit process that would convert one of the two aerobic tanks, tank A, from ASP to BPC-ACT. Finally, based on the design work, BPC obtained all necessary materials and quickly integrated the BPC-ACT solution to the IOCL aerobic bio treatment system. This retrofit included installation of BPC’s custom control unit, as well as the addition of improved aeration throughout the bioreactor tank.

Retrofit Configuration and Implementation

After completing the lab analysis and engineering design necessary to demonstrate the viability of ACT as an effective bioremediation solution, BPC proceeded with the on-site system upgrade. BPC’s work included first improving the aeration system in the tank A reactor by replacing the air diffusers throughout the tank and adding a mixing device. Next the BPC skid mounted control system was added to the system to allow for constant monitoring of all-important water qualities, both locally as well as online. Finally, an automated nutrient dosing system and automated primary treatment dosing system were added to the bioreactor to allow the control unit to maintain stable conditions within the tank. The control unit preserves a steady state in the tank in spite of conditions in the incoming flow and with little human input required. The physical retrofit integration work was completed in just 20 days (after having the design approval and piping modifications done by the IOCL). The BPC-ACT and ASP systems were operated in tandem for an initial period of 90 days (as this was the trial), during which results were analyzed by BPC and in the IOCL on site lab (PR).

Retrofit Results

During the initial operating period, the water was sampled and analyzed by both BPC staff and the IOCL Lab on site laboratory, with similar results produced by both testing teams. Throughout the 90 days period the quality of incoming flow fluctuated greatly, with pH levels (as measured in the pH adjustment tank) ranging from 8 to 11 and COD inlet to the aerobic treatment ranging from 600 to 1200 mg/lit. The BPC-ACT system performed well, treating ETP-1 & 2 wastewater to the standards of RO Plant. The outlet quality was in the MINAS such as TSS, COD, BOD, O&G and PH.

The Valuable Contribution of BPC

BPC’s solution for treating the produced water is highly advantageous for the following reasons:

  • High efficiency- The BPC-ACT treatment of produced water can bring highly contaminated water to a purity level that allows for its treatment to the RO. The treatment process is completed with a relatively short retention time.
  • Stable in the face of quality upsets – unlike other technologies, BPC-ACT maintains exceptional operation regardless of fluctuating conditions in incoming water quality.
  • Cost savings- BPC-ACT requires far less manpower for operation and maintenance, as well as fewer upsets in treatment quality.
  • Simple implementation into current infrastructure- the retrofit process is based almost entirely on currently available infrastructure, thus considerably reducing the time and costs required for the system’s installation.
  • Simple operation- the system is completely automated, leading to simple and straightforward operation and eliminating the need for highly skilled operators.


BPC offers a simple and efficient solution for upgrading old effluent treatment systems to a level that will allow for safe recycling or release of water, as well as lower overall costs and less maintenance. The BPC-ACT solution can easily be integrated into currently existing infrastructure, resulting in a more cost effective and environmentally friendly wastewater treatment. The retrofit process is quick and relatively painless, and leads to a superior a more stable means of effluent treatment.

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